Hello I'm

Kawshik Lodh

Web Designer/App Developer/Software Engineer

About Me

A technical guy who is always facinated about the new technologies of the Industry, I have made projects on many latest web technologies. Also I am very much facinated about the open source community for which I have made small projects which will help people solve their needs.

My Skills




My Works

Web Development

Title E-Smart Shopping Description The project was to make offline shopping hastle free by providing an android app for scanning the barcode
Title Optricks Web Solutions(Landing Page) Description A landing page for a hosting company called Optrics Web Solutions.
Title Sassenvi Description A SASS dev environment for developers for rapid development of static web pages includes sass server.

Title E-Smart Shopping Description The project was to make offline shopping hastle free by providing an android app for scanning the barcode of the products in the shop and generate a bill which could be paid online. A dash board was also made for the shop owner so that they could manage their shop and the products and also see the earnings details Project Lifecycle Why it is made?
  • Problem:- Everytime an individual goes for shopping he/she needs to encounter a queue that no one likes to stand in the billing counter, which takes up a lot of time

  • Solution:- A software based solution which could give people the ability to bill their items themselves and pay the bill online without standing in the queue.
How it is made?
  • Design:- The whole system including the app and the admin dashboard is designed using figma
  • Development:- Technologies such android is used to develop the android app and html, css, javascript is used for the frontend of the dashboard and for the backend php and mysql was used for building the core api.
  • Deployment:- The app was deployed in google play store and the dashboard was hosted on the servers of hostgator
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Title Optricks Web Solutions(Landing Page) Description A landing page for a hosting company called Optrics Web Solutions. Project Lifecycle Why it is made?
  • Problem:- Generally every company wants to reach their customers quickly, and in this age of technology where every body is connected thus making it hard to reach targeted audience

  • Solution:- A landing page is designed and developed keeping in mind the target audience so that the business goals can be met effectively
How it is made?
  • Design:- The web page is designed using figma
  • Development:- Technologies such html, css, javascript is used for this project
  • Deployment:- The website was hosted on the servers of Hosting Basket
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Title Sassenvi Description A simple Development Environment to create SASS project's with live-server without any hardle. It gives you a simple website already created that you can edit and move forward. Project Lifecycle Why it is made?
  • Problem:- These is faced by all developers, when we start a new project we need to make the project structure get all the files nescessary and then start the project, these is done for all the projects and in the same way

  • Solution:- Sassenvi a dev environment which can create the project structure and link files with sass server and get development up and running in just one linr in the terminal
How it is made?
  • Design:- It is made using gulp which is a popular tast runner
  • Development:- It has a sass server, gulp task runner and a hot reloding
  • Deployment:- It is currently available on Github only
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